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Sunday, March 15, 2015

A little slap

This morning I waited for the caffeine to kick in before even attempting to get started on the day. Sitting in my cozy bed sipping fresh coffee and visiting with A is a great way to begin a day and I relished every moment of it. After they all left for breakfast I began puttering around the house and  my feet were so sore I had to slip on my crocs. Inspiration hit and I googled the good feet store, got directions, and off I went. I knew it would be expensive, but their inserts had worked before when I was 200#'s and walking five miles a day. (my poor feetsies) I was horrified to hear that the package was now $600, it was like a slap to my psyche.This after driving over an hour to get there and spending another little bit being lost. God forbid I should have asked on the phone about the price - no - I just wanted to know their hours.

Driving home I felt a new level of determination to lose weight and give my poor feet some relief. Money talks and all that. Once at home I took a quick scan of the fridge and headed out for groceries. I have whole grain bread for toast upon which I can build a breakfast to eat on the way to work. I have carrots onion and potatoes for the corned beef on Tuesday. I have mushrooms to make lentil soup and cucumbers and lemons to make fresh juice. I am set to have a positive week eating which will result in a negative week on the scale. I can't keep futzing around, I have to take care of this. I am tired of obsessing about my weight and all of the agony that entails. Mental and physical. I so want to be over this. Not just for me but for my granddaughter. A, bless her heart, told me last week that I am not fat. I need to remedy my weight before she starts seeing me from a different perspective.

I have had a pot of pea soup simmering for a couple of hours and that will be my dinner or lunch each day depending upon the weather. Salads, juice, smoothies and raw veggies will round out the meals; I just want to use up every scrap of food in the house. Waste not want not!

A quiet evening at home and I ended up watching Barnwood Builders - fun program. Now for a couple more tasks and I will be done for the day. I'm still a little disappointed in my Modesto trip, but if it helps motivate me, then all's well that end's well.

Breakfast:  home brewed decaf coffee, half n half; another tiny piece of left over pizza - thin crust hardly any cheese...
Snack: 3 small new potatoes, sour cream
Lunch: veggie burrito from Del Taco
Snack: small slice of cheesecake
Dinner: Pasta Arabica from TJ's

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