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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Work Support

Another co-worker jumped on board today and suggested we all walk each morning at eleven. Just a quick five minute walk out and then back to spend our break walking and sharing what we are each doing. Hopefully there will always be at least a few who want to go, and I am going to try to be one of them. My heel should be able to withstand ten minutes, but we will see.

Another late start this morning after being up for hours in the middle of the night and then oversleeping. But despite that I had a productive day at work, and left for lunch to pick up a hot bowl from Fresh Millions since I didn't have time to pack anything.

One last thing; my hand is much improved today and I am very glad about that.

Breakfast: small decaf and a muffin
Lunch: hot bowl with rice & beans, zucchini, red onion & mushrooms
Dinner: potato with spinach dip tossed in and fresh ground pepper
Dessert: one piece of dark chocolate

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