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Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday Monday

Another late start; thinking it was still the wee hours of the morning I went back to sleep this morning and woke up after 7am. Yikes! So glad I had packed my lunch the night before.

I am focusing this week on getting in a full cup of beans or legumes each day at lunch so I am not too hungry driving home after work. It makes for a really filling salad and almost too much for one sitting. Staring at the half a dozen or so peas in the bottom of my salad bowl I just don't want to finish them.

A quiet evening at home while the family went bowling. I tried to putter and get a couple of things done but ended up cuddling with the pooches in front of the boob tube. Monday's can be exhausting, I even forgot to update this and post until the next day at lunch.

Breakfast: Decaf and sausage biscuit
Lunch:  Chopped salad w\ chick peas, cauliflower, cucumber, green onion, pepitas, olive oil dressing
Snack:  mixed nuts
Dinner:  cheese sandwich, two toasted corn tortillas with guacamole

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