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Friday, January 16, 2015

Planning to win

I stayed up this morning instead of turning my back on the world and burrowing back under the covers. I'm clean, a load of dishes is running, and I have time to either make lunch and have soup for dinner or visa versa. I've already had a cup of flax milk with ginger and honey, and a new book is currently loading on  my shuffle - which is why I am here prepping for my daily note, and making plans to make it a good day, one during which I win some battles for a change. Can you say vorpal sword?

Lewis Carroll, Alice Through the Looking Glass

Time for anti-aging serum on my face, toothpaste on my teeth, and a quick blow out to my bangs. Is my improved attitude due to its being Friday? Who knows, but I'll take it!

At work a couple a friend asked if I was okay, that I seemed down. I think it was mental exhaustion playing out on my face. Hopefully this weekend I will get my sleep cycle under control. No big plans, just cleaning out and up the car. Arriving home yesterday every tree around our house was full of robins. Normally they arrive early Spring to eat up the Privet berries; maybe the weather being off kilter has their migration messed up. In any case I have bird droppings all over my poor white car. Lovely. The poop must go.

A bit tired this evening from the early start, but as you know being tired on Friday is very different than being tired on Sunday or a workweek night and I'm okay with it. Perhaps a ginger beer is in order, I never had one the other day when I thought of it and I think my calories may have been light today.

Breakfast: Decaf and sausage biscuit
Lunch:  Steamed white rice and mixed veggies
Dinner:  zPizza, thin slice with basil, tomato and feta cheese
Desert:  Ice Cream Bar, w\ Caramel

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