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Monday, January 12, 2015

Pizza, friend or foe?

Snuck on the scale this morning and I was down a little more. I was worried after the pizza last night, but looking back on my meals I was probably still within a reasonable calorie range. While I am working at removing myself from the emotional impact of a number, I was still glad it was a smaller one and I remain motivated to eat well this week. I know others will be semi-starving themselves with soy based pre made meals in order to lose weight this January, but I am not in competition with them, I am trying to turn my life around. Trying to treat myself and my body better, trying to fit into a smaller size! I am not trying to win a competition but striving to show that eating for nutrition can work miracles.

Eating the pizza last night was stress meeting circumstance. The trip to the emergency vet and the traumatic events that triggered it left me in a weakened state mentally, and getting home to find pizza on the stove was beyond my rationale thought processes. Having had a super light calorie dinner that I never really finished due to said trip I am not feeling bad about it at all.

Off to greet the Monday traffic and check in later. Feeling rather stable this morning, in new leggings and clean Wen hair.

"I'm down 8 lbs!", this from the office friend\co-worker who joined Jenny Craig and had weighed in this morning after her first week on their program. This is why it's sometimes mentally difficult to take the healthier slower path. How can I compare to that, and of course I can't won't and don't want to. I want healthy food full of nutrition with a few splurges thrown in like my sandwich for lunch today. And pizza last night, but that was extenuating circumstances. STOP. I am here to get my life in order, not rationalize bad behavior. I didn't eat enough breakfast so I was starving at lunch and while I intended to get a salad I 'found myself' at the deli counter ordering the sandwich. What a baby I am. An almost sixty year old baby. Wah.

Hit a rough patch this evening. A asked when we were going to see Papa H and I had to explain that we hadn't spoken in a while, and that we had dissolved our relationship. She lay in my lap sobbing, the poor thing, and it broke my heart. I know we will both recover, it's just so sad. And before she headed off to bed one of the puggles had made her laugh. She gave me an extra strong hug and kiss before turning in for the night; kids seem so resilient but I worry. May we all have sweet dreams.

Breakfast: green juice with Chia Seeds, banana
Lunch:  BLT from Sprouts
Snack: mixed nuts, raw carrot
Dinner:  homemade potato soup,  odds n ends

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