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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Meat & Potatoes & a Bag of Greens

I'm feeling the pressure of the season, having waited so long to do my shopping and the weather turning wet. But I will get it done. I always do. I wonder if my procrastination is another by product of my addiction. It makes sense. The same part of the brain is in charge of decisions and will power, and I've been trying to eat better most of my life and probably leaving that resource totally depleted most of the time; so what brainpower is left to make decisions. To plan and follow through.  I'll have to make a note in my paper journal to follow up on this question in a couple of months and see if there is a difference.

Today went well, getting good news about a refund from the dentist, and having lunch with my team. Well, with half of them anyway - the rest were working remote. I was given a lovely bag full of greens and avocado oil from one of them. It's so great to feel the support.

(b)  yogurt, blueberries, Ezekiel cereal
(l)  Huevos Rancheros, no tortillas, with refried beans & avocado
(d)  tri-tip, mashed potatoes, mushrooms

Breakfast was the only meal I weighed - well, that and the roast at dinner - so I am feeling like I indulged today. But everything was so delicious, and no flour or sugar, so no guilt or regrets. And I see leek soup in my future from today's bounty. I do have an inner sense of balance, and will naturally eat better for a couple of days.

Time for C to take over the laptop and visit his paw patrol friends.

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