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Sunday, March 17, 2013

"Only the closed mind is certain, Sir"

After working around the house all morning I laid down to rest my back and watch Dean Spanley and the subject quote is the last thing I remember hearing before my nap overtook my intentions, and the thought occurred to me that my mind must be as wide open as the ocean for all the certainty I have in my life just at present.

Now it is 3 hours later and while I have no idea what else happened in the  movie I did have a much needed rest and I have a lovely piece of corned beef bubbling away in the kitchen. What a delightful smell, so comforting and rich with promise.

It's actually turning out to be a nice quiet productive Sunday. I will pack until it's time to add the veggies to the roast which means two more hours of playing 'this but not that' as I continue to sort my way through the wreckage of my closet. Which brings to mind a revelation I mentioned to my DD this morning; what was I thinking the last ten years as I saved items of clothing I would 'fit into someday' and didn't throw away the short shorts? I mean really, ten years ago I was 48 and past the age when one should wear such things, no? Yet save some I did through years of spring sorting and apparently never a thought given to my age and only to the quality of the shorts in question. Today they went into the donation bag and good riddance!

Still, I believe it's a good thing that I am apparently still young at heart. And still remain open minded, lets not forget that part.

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