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Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Hair

Hair cuts are not essential, and the appointment I had to chop this off was cancelled, so here's the pic.

No Highlights, just grey and brown. The goal is to have enough to donate and still be able to put it up in a ponytail for swimming this summer - assuming we get to go to the pool. Usually it's braided over my shoulder for convenience's sake, but this day was straightened by an office mate to 'just see' what it would be like.

I admit it looks beautiful here, but really it's just a PITA because I can't do much with it. My back starts to ache if I keep my hands over my head for too long, and there's too much to keep in a bun on top of my head anymore. 

But I thought it would be fun to keep this as a record since it may never be this long again.

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