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Friday, May 7, 2021

BLE: Clean and Bright

The Chia 'pudding' I prepped last night was good. I heated up some frozen blueberries, then added them to the pudding and warmed my bowl up for another minute. It was thinner than anticipated, and at first the texture threw me off a little, but I enjoyed the little crunchy bits from the peanut butter, and the flavour was spot on. Of course adding blueberries to peanut butter is always a winner in my book no matter the vehicle getting it to me.

Today's Food

b)  chia pudding w/banana &  blueberries
l)   spring mix salad w\ garbanzo beans, cauliflower & green onions, apple
d)  Carrot, tomato, onion, hominy, spinach stoup with more refried black beans

Dinner is a repeat from last night; it was good and there are leftovers to use up. The fridge is packed this morning, full of the offerings from Imperfect Produce - I'll be cooking this weekend! That being said, I am moving away from preparing such large batches so I get more diversity in my meals. Three days in a row of the same thing is enough.

Feeling good this morning; no dairy yesterday and no snacking last night. Sort of a clean feeling which, I must say, bodes well for repeating the experience again today.

I also made it out for a walk with Cal yesterday, not a long one, but long enough he almost didn't make it home on his own two feet. My hips didn't freeze up at all, which was a relief, and I'm hoping we make it out again today. He is currently curled up resting in his new favorite spot - his sister's loft bed- but hopefully I can entice him down in a bit.

In the meantime there are chores to do; watering, picking up, prepping my lunch salad, so I am glad for this small space of time to myself.

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