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Friday, December 5, 2008

On being a sponge

Why am I so ... inclined to glom on to whatever I hear or read. You can't sleep, I can' t sleep; you're snacking at night, I'm snacking at night; you didn't exercise, neither did I. It's crazy, like I'm leading bits and pieces of everyone else's life. It' s like visiting with my Canadian cousins and all of a sudden there's an uplift to the end of my sentences. Same thing happened on our surf trip to Mexico - interesting that the countries that border us each have a similar speaking inflection while we in the middle somehow missed that endearing trait. Anyway, lying awake at 3 this morning (why is that the magical number?) I just let my mind go all the places I usually avoid. I use to have this rule that if I was in bed and started thinking about 'work' I had to get up. I was not going to spend personal time thinking about that, and in bed is personal time. But even those thoughts managed to find a place in my meanderings this morning. Eventual sleep broken by a whiny puppy provoked me to the couch, and then the phone ruined even that brief respite. I'm just grumpy, and pissed about it. I need for this to be a productive day. I'd better start with warm feet, then a green breakfast, that will help. No, tea first, clear the head. Then I can think about why I am such a sponge.

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