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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Three's a Charm (3/30)

I was tempted to start over after indulging in a bakery roll with a smear (scant) of butter on it with dinner last night and a few forkfulls of Deli Mac N Cheese, but then I remembered this is about the water and the plants and in those respects I have had a successful two days and I am on to the third. Just that fleeting thought that I haven't been perfect so how can I say it's the third day makes me realize how hard I am on my self. When I decided to do this Water Cure for thirty days I wasn't coming from a standard american diet. Sure, I had a hot dog for lunch one day last week because H had cooked them and I couldn't resist. And yes, I had driven through for a sausage muffin on the way to work more than a couple of times recently, but the rest of the time I was already eating mostly plants. So this plan of mine isn't off my beaten path, it's more of a way to wander back on to it.

My latest internal mantra, 'Eat food, not too much, mostly plants' is from Michael Pollan's book, In Defense of Food.  Add to that my previous mantra from Dr.Fuhrman, 'eat healthy at home' and there is the foundation of how I would like to eat. but since we no longer eat out as much, instead of getting my roll with butter before dinner at a restaurant, I can pick up a single roll from the market to have at home once in a while. It use to be I did that on grocery shopping day, sometimes using it to make a sandwich, sometimes to dip in soup. Last night I dipped it into my bowl of  S&W's jalapeno & black bean concoction. Delicious! I would have stopped at the first half of the roll, but the beans were so spicy I went back for the 2nd half to cool my mouth off. So a chopped salad, a bowl of beans and a roll for dinner; my kind of meal!

Yesterday went well. Got in all my water, took a short walk at lunch, and ate per plan except for the relatively small indulgences at dinner. But after taking my GD shopping after work I didn't have the energy to make soup. This is also when I picked up the aforesaid treats. Realizing how challenging this week was going to be in terms of getting things done, I realized I probably wouldn't be doing much cooking. So I picked up an Amy's entree for dinner tonight, and some ready-made veggie soups to take for lunches. Not a good long haul decision because of the salt, but better than driving through Carl's junior for a taco salad (no meat) or a bean burrito.  I figure I can wait to make soup this weekend; my Sister is coming to visit and it will be fun to visit while we chop veggies and drink wine.

Speaking of which, now that I have posted and finished my morning water I need to get busy. My home office could be a bit less cluttered; she should at least be able to walk to the bed without a guide and a map!

  4439 steps taken

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