Having Bright nights makes my Bright days so much more meaningful. When my nights aren't Bright, during the day I know I am just treading water, and that being Bright is at most balancing out a dark night; that I will at least maintain my weight loss. Which is all fine and dandy sometimes. like when I am doing parts work and making progress with my mental health. But today I feel so light and clean and hopeful, having five Bright days and nights reminds me that I can do this, that my Bright days can mean progress, and it's a good feeling.
R made a beautiful Valentines breakfast for the family ( I'll have to come back later to post a picture); she prepared breakfast sausage and fruit for us, and added sweet treats for the rest of the family. Fresh flowers from Trader Joes rounded out the table and it was all a lovely feast for eyes and mouths. I had buttered toast to go with my sausage - probably my favorite breakfast ever - and the fruit was delicious, especially the pineapple, and we both weighed out our food as usual.
Lunch will be Pozole, brought in from a local restaurant. It's easy to break down the components to weigh out a Bright lunch, so delicious and decadent in the mouth, and best of all no prep! After that I will have to poke around in the fridge, clean up a bit, and do some meal planning. I have a bean soup left over for dinner, but nothing for the coming week yet for dinners. There is produce for salads at lunch, and oatmeal for breakfast, and lentils to cook up so really it's just the veggies I need to think about. And we have lots in the freezer to use up, so no grocery trip this weekend! Yay!
I will probably have to go early Tuesday morning for fruit and veg, milk for the kids, and the odds and ends that are on the grocery list, but It's nice to feel like this is a day off. Especially after a rough night, Cal being up sick twice and everyone awake when we should have been sleeping. Anyone with a small child knows the challenges of not really knowing how they are feeling, and to just show up and be there for them when things fall apart. Hugs and cuddles are the magic of their world, and ours if we take the time to slow down and appreciate those small but ever so significant gestures.
It's grey and cloudy out, but still I hear birds chirping, and I know I need to get out for some fresh air. I think I'll wait until Cal is up from his nap, so I have company. He is quite the little chatter box and I do love our walks.
In the meantime, I think some curling up on the couch is in order. Oh, and delivering the doggie treats that A and I baked off this morning. We have dogs on either side of us, and she wanted to make treats for the new puppy next door, so both will get a valentines gift today. It's nice I can appreciate the smell of what are essentially peanut butter cookies baking in the house, without feeling anything about it other than hoping the dogs will be pleased. Of course, knowing M is bringing lunch that I am looking forward to does help.
My love is going out to the universe today, through the living energy that connects us all.
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