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Thursday, February 4, 2021

BLE: breakfast foods

Another challenging day, but aren't they all. No sugar and no flour last night, but not Bright. 2oz of cheese at bedtime broke the snacking line. I try to take comfort that I didn't eat in the middle of the night, but I also wonder at why the snack. Maybe I'm just not use to that temptation and wasn't prepared to do battle at ten as I might have been at three?

This isn't even worth writing about, and I am tired.

Tomorrow's Food:

b) Yam pudding (I'll cook the yams tonight and bake the pudding in the am)

l)  chopped salad w\ egg & cheese, apple

d)  pork & beans, roasted veggies

I'm thinking of putting together my own little cookbook of favorites so they are at hand.

Favorite Breakfasts

  • Cheese on Triscuits, banana
  • Breakfast sausage on toast, grapes 
  • Cheese on toast, hard boiled egg, fruit
  • Oatmeal w\berries, Peanut Butter, seeds & nuts
  • Scrambled eggs w\mustard on toast, fruit
  • Eggs over easy on toast, fruit
  • Yam Pudding, pumpkin
  • Ham & Brie on toast, grapes
  • Rice & Beans w\ cheese & salsa, fruit
  • Rice & egg baked w\ cheese & green chilies

 Note: toast = sprouted whole grain (no flour) bread from Trader Joe's

Really there is only one recipe, unless you count if I made the refried beans, so not a great idea after all. And I'm drawing a blank trying to think about lunch and dinner. Obviously my heart lies with breakfast. I'll have to finish up this thought another time, I'm way tired. 


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