Dinner was delicious last night. Today for lunch I used the leftover tomato sauce to sauté a bag of baby spinach. Once wilted, I weighed out 6oz of veg, added in 4 oz of left over beef that had been cooked in the same sauce, and it was delicious. I have two more meals weighed and measured from the same leftovers, and it feels good to have something delicious to look forward to the next couple of days.
If my energy doesn't fail me, I'll make a chopped salad for dinner, other wise it will be leftover pork and beans. The day started with ham on toast, so the day is heavier on animal protein than i like, but at least no cheese for the 2nd day in a row.
I was not Bright last night, having a sweet and salty nut bar from the cupboard in the middle of the night after ignoring donuts, pancakes, and various other treats that are lying about. Speaking of which, I think the only food to pass Cal's lips today are chocolate milk made with Ovaltine, and chocolate chip cookies from McD's. Not that we haven't offered him every choice we can think of. Half way through making pancakes he changed his mind, after warming up mac n cheese he changed his mind, after making a plate of beautiful red grapes cut in half per his specifications he changed his mind.
At least we made it out into the sun for a minute while he was not yet tired and confused by the afternoon dose of Oxy. We played baseball, made beautiful music with the windchimes, did some rock hopping on the sandstone stepping stones, and finally ended with burying dinosaur bones in the sand box. This prompted a trip to the bath where bubbles were coloured by a new bath bomb that made rainbows in the bubbles - quite pretty - and he played until all digits were raisins. Now he has been lotioned like a baby dragon, and is cuddled up in my bed watching 'Alison in Wonderland' on Bubble Guppies. I pray he takes a nap, but don't really expect it will happen.
In the meantime he wants me here close by, so I am not picking up the living room, doing dishes, or prepping dinner. I am also not folding the laundry that's on the end of my bed, or straightening up the bathroom after leaving a bit of a mess. TGIF! And that's all I can say about that.
I think we are working on the front of the house this weekend while the weather is supposed to be in the 60's. Something I have intended to do for years, but never quite get to; this will be my Birthday present! Which isn't until next week, but rain is forecast for next weekend so this works.
Last year I let A make pineapple upside down cake for my B-Day, but not this year. There are so many sweets in the house all the time that they don't need a reason for more. If I could have my way we would strip the house of anything with processed sugar. Maple Syrup and Honey are plenty of sweetness IMHO. Oh well, some day, and then maybe I will be able to stay Bright. Wow, well it sounds like I am placing blame, but I am not. I know it's my hand that puts food in my mouth. but I also know from experience that if it's not in the house I can't eat it.
Have I mentioned lately how bitter I am about being a food addict? I guess accepting that will have to be part of my recovery.
Okay, enough goofing off, I'd better get at least the laundry folded.
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