I had an early start this morning, signing on to work, then taking C up to get his labwork done to make sure the adjusted Chemo is doing it's job. It is. He has been exceptionally emotional this week, and his numbers reflect why, but he's a trooper and bounces back quickly after his mini melt downs.
In between those two tasks I ate breakfast and watched the memorial service at the Capital - so terribly sad, and too close to Joey's death day for me to be watching. I hope the GOP remembers this during the impeachment trial.
Lunch was good today. R ordered me a Vegan Lifestyle bowl from Chipotle with added guacamole, and if only for the fact that I didn't have to prepare it or do any dishes afterwards, I am calling it good. I will say I am not a fan of the Sofritas, and next time will stick to just beans for my protein, or maybe do a custom bowl and split the protein between beans and cheese.
I weighed the bowl before and after (full and empty) and the weight of the food eaten was 16.1oz. Gauging the ingredients with my eyes, I determined that this was broken out very closely to a Bright Line meal.I counted this as 4oz protein, 1 serving of fat, and 12 oz veggies. Keeping in mind we can sub in veggies for fruit, this works to split the 12oz as 6oz each. I do miss my apple for lunch when I make substitutions like this; the crunch, the sweetness, the chewing. But it's all good, and I learned a little about what to order next time. It's good to know they have the lifestyle selections, making it easier to order along healthier (IMHO) guidelines. While I love cheese and sour cream in a burrito bowl, they are not the best choices right now (or ever really). Maybe later on maintenance I will splurge a little.
There is no rest for the wicked today, and I am forcing myself to sign back on for more accounting work while C is down for his nap. Wait, it's Wednesday, I must go see the vlog from Susan first - then to work.
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