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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A little attitude, some beans, and work

Yesterday was a little overwhelming after all. After the assessment and insights of the morning, I had a blood sugar drop, the first in a long time, and it coincided with the realization that even though it may now have a positive slant instead of being disparaging, it is still more time and energy than I want to be spending on myself. The food, the habits, the self care ---- arghhhhh. Will it never end???  Rebellion almost set in, and I was in a funk most of the day. It was better after I finished my fruit salad at lunch, and better again after C and I took our walk. But still, I was left feeling annoyed; it should not be so hard just to live a life. Really. It shouldn't. I mean, who leaves themselves notes? But at bedtime I found a note to myself, "Remember that the Daytime Vail DOES CARE." And yes, there were capital letters on the sticky.  But I had a Bright night, and slept a little better than usual, so I forgive myself the theatrics.

I made pinto beans yesterday, seasoned with Bay, sun dried tomatoes, and lots of dried herbs from the cupboard. After a quick cook the day before, then soaking overnight, it only took another three hours on the stove until the beans were perfectly cooked. And I am happy with the result. With the flavour, the tenderness of the beans, and the post  meal lack of gas.  It was all good.  This afternoon I'll roast up some butternut squash, carrots, grape tomatoes, and onions seasoned with Cumin to serve with them and pack up some more meals.

Breakfast was an old favorite this morning; scrambled eggs on toast with mustard. YUM. I am really enjoying the sprouted whole grain bread from Trader Joes, it toasts up so flavourful and satisfying that I will not be buying Ezekiel bread again.  I am contemplating having a new Sofritas lifestyle bowl from Chipotle for dinner, with avocado for my fat. R says the new Cilantro lime cauliflower rice is delicious and I'm excited to try it. Well, as excited as I get anymore about food. Maybe glad would be a better word. Yes, glad.

While I am tempted to blather on about my daily routine, instead I will put my big girl panties on (figuratively speaking) and do some accounting work while C sleeps.

My daily gratitude always includes having a job. I must remember that.

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