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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Love in the time of Covid 19

Today I took an early lunch and spent my hour divided between showering and eating; I can't do that at the office! And it was lovely not having to face the chill of the morning or the lethargy of the evening to get clean. Such a very small perk in the face of global disaster.

I listened to the news a bit today, and did a little googling to see how we (the world) is doing in the face of Covid 19. I think my take away is that this is an awful way to shine a light on the fact that Americans are stuck with a liar instead of a leader in a time of crisis. I have an enduring belief in the hard work and brains of most people, and I know that one way or another humans will survive this. If we weren't already focused on replacing trump in the coming election, this certainly would have rallied the troops for such action. At least one could hope.

Naturally my biggest concern is my little family, and how stressed the kids are about taking C into hospital for his monthly treatment - an infusion of chemo into his spinal fluid that is considered essential for his recovery. We are always entrusting his medical team with his life, but this adds an element of risk and trust that is stressing everyone to the max.

Love each other every day. Take the time to play and laugh. Be grateful for what we have instead of worrying about what we can't get. One day at a time. And pray for common sense to spread faster than the virus.

It's been a Bright Line day; taking care of myself has never been more important.

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