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Monday, March 30, 2020

On Being a Dinosaur

I am not good with change, with new things, with stepping outside of my comfort zone. The new laptop arrived today, and while I am glad, I am also frustrated and irritated. I don't want google or microsoft to handle everything for me, and I don't want to trust them with anything. I understand those are the new standards and protocols for operating in this new day and age. But I am not comfortable with this at all. Just the fact I had to submit my email and birthday to even set up the laptop had me two seconds away from just returning it.

Because I did the same thing several years ago. My desktop computer died, and I purchased a laptop. I even paid someone to move all of my files over because back then it was the easiest way. Two days trying to do things and I gave up, reset back to factory settings to erase all of my info, and took it back. I just hated the way the programs glommed on to everything.

So today I took a deep breath, and said no to as many things as possible during the set up phase, and I'm in it for the long haul.  My IT department hooked up my remote setting easy peasy, and I'm using the free drop box to move files from the old laptop. I know eventually I can customize the settings so I'm not asked at every turn to sync everything and save my passwords - so annoying. Please just allow me some privacy! Being a dinosaur is not easy sometimes.

I am blaming all of this on my stress eating, and snacking earlier this evening. I mean, really, left over bacon, eggs and potatoes just there for the taking. So I took. No much, but at the same time too much. And it was all food I can eat, but not as a snack. So one broken line today.

The good news of the day is that I took my car in to the repair shop. The Insurance adjuster had called to let me know the value of my car was more than anticipated and it's not totaled after all. Yay! So I am without a car this week, but hey, with shelter in place and all that, it's perfect timing.

Time to turn off Bubble Guppies, kick the kids out, and find a new audio book to listen to. As I haven't been commuting, it took a while to get through the book. But given the choice, I'll choose not commuting anytime. I can listen to my books while gardening and doing food prep for meals. And cleaning. Always the cleaning.

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