We learned the word Neutropenia in the process of C being diagnosed with leukemia, and it has stayed with us over the course of his treatment this past year.
ANC: Absolute Neutrophil Count: The real number of white blood cells that are neutrophils. The normal range for the ANC = 1.5 to 8.0 (1,500 to 8,000/mm3).
To keep it simple, when they test his blood his ANC count has to be at least 500 for him to be strong enough to endure his chemo treatments - the big ones, not the daily dose he gets. A healthy child runs around 1500, and when they tested C at the hospital this evening it was 8. Basically no immune system at work. At all. Which is why he was having trouble breathing, and sounded like he had croup when he coughed. And why despite the misgivings...no, despite the terror of going to hospital with the danger of Covid-19 lurking god knows where... they took him in. And they were right, he needs to stay for observation and to control the expected fever. Hopefully the tests come back negative for virus and he will be released tomorrow to come home and be treated here. If not it will be days before we see them. This is assuming there is no corona virus involved, that could be weeks.
Poor M had to wait for hours in the car as the hospital was adamant about only one family member going in with C. He still isn't home as they wait to see if he can at least drop off the overnight bag for R. My daughter is strong when she must be there for her family, advocating for C and making sure he gets the care he needs. But she is also human and I send her prayers of love and light tonight to sustain her as she endures the rigors of a hospital stay.
A and I have done the evening chores, had dinner, and had a final check in from the hospital. It is quiet here now that she is off the phone with friends and getting ready for bed. And I am not ready for quiet this evening, my head still abuzz with worry. My anxiety has lessened over the past hour as we received updates, and I am working on a cup of tea that touts it calms the mind. That would be nice.
Dinner was not good. I arrived home to them leaving, with pizza boxes on the stove and the imperfect produce order to put away. Tired from a day at the office I had pizza for dinner. One piece each of cheese and pepperoni. And a bread stick. And a handful of MnM's. No excuses, just the facts. And no, I am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow.
It will be the end of my six month trial of Mostly following Bright Line Eating, and while it won't be the amazing finish I hoped for in the beginning, at least I am not ending in failure no matter what number I see in the morning. On Tuesday I saw 210.6, unseen for years, and I will remember that as I rezoom tomorrow and eat on plan.
And come to think of it, when I stopped for orange juice for C on the way home it never occurred to me to get a snack for the ride. Often there is a 'conversation' that usually includes words like fruit and zero sugar jerky, but today - nothing. This is progress, no? Yes! A definite yes. And on that note I call it an evening.
Love & Light to C and everyone struggling tonight.
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