It's been a rough evening so far. C is hungry but we can't find anything he will eat. Finally a push-pop caught his fancy and he sat taking little cat licks off the top for a few minutes until it was too drippy and he passed it off. The orzo in the cupboard also caught his eye so I cooked up a batch while he was preoccupied with the ice cream, but of course now that the pasta is tender and coated with butter and sprinkled with Parmesan his interest has waned.
At least he is no longer needing to be held in front of the refrigerator; he is so heavy! Thank heavens his mother does most of the holding, being the preferred human around here.
A is off school for an extended Easter break due to the Corona Virus, and many of our vendors at work have sent notices out that services may be interrupted but they will do the best they can. Strange days, and scary when you have an immune compromised child in the house. So it's good A will be home instead of mixing it up with friends at school.
(b) breakfast sausage, triscuits, banana
(l) veggieball, corn, pear
(d) burger bowl, fries
(s) bites of cheddar cheese, bite of frankfurter, a couple snap peas
It's hard to snack when we have little bowls of everything laying around to temp C. And I finally had fast food on the way home tonight.On a positive note I stopped at Home Depot and picked up tomatoes, red peppers, sage, strawberries, jalapenos and a big bag of miracle grow to get the garden started. It is suppose to rain tomorrow, but I am hoping for a break to do some gardening.
Tomorrow C will be three, and A has baked a cake; she has three layers cooling to frost tomorrow. And C is finally eating something - a cupcake made with left over batter. Not exactly food, but needed calories. I hear he had fries at lunch, so that is something.
I'm not feeling smaller tonight, instead I am bloated from the fast food, and my mood is slipping. I have to get back off this roller coaster, and don't know why I am still struggling so much. But it has been a hard week, and I'm tired, and my confidence of earlier this week has vanished into the aroma of cake wafting through the house.
Heaven help me.
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