I was very disappointed at work today, no praise or encouraging words at my review, and my mood was glum. But I am part of a great team, and each in their own way made me feel better and enabled me to focus on the positive and put aside my resentment towards my boss. I know we're doing a great job even if it's beyond him to show recognition.
I didn't eat my feelings either. I had my lunch, I didn't walk with the girls down to the frozen yogurt store (really I should have gone for the fresh air but didn't trust my hips to walk so far) and then after work I didn't drive through for a Friday post review treat. I drove home planning on the way exactly what I was going to have for dinner. And it's a tribute to the BLE plan and my experience that I can roll with the changes because I arrived home to the family prepping hamburgers for dinner. Easy peasy to swap out the beans in my salad for a cheeseburger, and switch out the veggies for red onion, pickles and tomatoes.
So I'm over my snit, my stomach full of dinner and my head full of the latest boot camp module about insanity. And it was a very valid point she was making; insanity isn't just doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. It's also finding something that works and then stopping to try something different. I can see why she would insert that topic towards the end of boot camp. I am sure that for some the boot camp is their first experience with BLE, and her encouragement to keep on truckin' probably needed to be heard by someone. But I'm into what, my sixth month? And I'm good with sticking to what's working.
(b) sprouted toast, breakfast sausage,
(l) bean soup, knockwurst, orange
(d) cheeseburger salad
C wants to go 'uppity uppity' again so I am off to bounce a small child. It's really a good workout for me. I sit back far enough from the edge of the bed so my calves are on the edge. He holds my hands and stands on my feet, then I start bouncing him up and down. He loves to go high and I have to pay very close attention that he has his balance and is paying attention so he doesn't slip. Of course sometimes he does and we both cry, "baby falling!" as I help him in a controlled fall to the ground.
It is fun, this being a grandmother thing, and I am so grateful for every day that I am stronger and better able to play. Life is good.
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