Yesterday was moodiness, and today came the anger. Anger at myself for waking up late and not packing lunch, at the world because I couldn't drive through JITB for a sourdough burger. I mean it really pissed me off - and it wasn't that I couldn't have the fast food, but that I had to say no at all. I mean really, how fair is that? This must be part of the grieving process Susan was talking about, and having to say goodbye to things that are not good for me. And earlier in the day I was mad at having to wear reading glasses; they were in the purse I had left at home this morning and I misread the directions on the frozen cauliflower I picked up at sprouts to have with my soup Bottom line I couldn't cook what I had purchased to have with my soup at lunch and I was mad. Again. Just angry on and off all day. So silly to waste my energy but there it was.
I don't often feel like I am 'dieting' on Bright Line Eating. But today it seemed like the dieting mentality was slapping me upside the face at every turn. And of course the reality is that even-going well planned days don't rock the boat. So on those days I don't notice I am trying to lose weight, and the time just flows by. But anger is a hot emotion, and stands out from the other days to let you know something is wrong. And I don't want anything to be wrong. I want my days peaceful and productive.
--------------Family Movie Break: Jumanji II----------------
(b) breakfast sausage, triscuits, banana
(l) Italian wedding ball soup, orange segments & blackberries
(d) Pork steak, roasted winter veggies, green salad w\ lots of carrots & snap peas
My anger from the day has dissipated, the movie having made me laugh while cuddling with my precious granddaughter, and I have tea brewing to help me wind down from the day. Once I finish up here I'll work a Sudoku puzzle and then call it a day once my tea is gone. I guess I really am a creature of habit, and keeping things simple also keeps me calm. I am not good with drama, and need to spend this week tying up the loose ends I find laying about.
I'm glad there are leftovers to cover lunch and dinner tomorrow. I was in such a groove of cooking and prepping meals I'm not sure why it sort of fell apart, but I feel that losing that sense of security has been part of my struggle the past few days. Or really since returning home from my visit south. I sort of lost my rhythm and the blues snuck in. See what I did there? Ha.
Enough already, time to call it.
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