So of course I had it backwards. The basic point behind Bright Line Freedom is to start living more in the body and less in the brain. Not to say I am confusing Spirit & Mind, I am not, but for now I am back to focusing on the body and spiritual work can come later. Or concurrent. Whatever. But I need to experience my feelings physically, and not think them through, avoid them, or worse case scenario bury them deep. We eat instead of feeling, or as common nomenclature states, "we eat our feelings." I, eat my feelings. Not as a way to avoid pain as i have often thought and read and been told, but instead of feeling pain. A subtle difference, but an important one.
I knew this months ago, a year ago, and it sort of just slipped my mind. Focusing on feeling everything is my goal this coming week. If I want to eat and it's not driven by hunger, I will stop and wonder what I am feeling, and where in my body it shows up. I will continue to question the parts that show up but focus on their feelings too, and where they show up in 'our' body.
In other words, I will do the work instead of paying it lip service. And it turns out that my inability to remember to do the work is just another part of me whom I will try to meet. I am tempted to call he Missy A - for avoidance - but instead will wait for her, or him, to show up and let them name themselves. I will be present and not disappear into video games or solitaire. I till try. I will be unstoppable.
And I'm out of pep talk.
Today's food
- b) Colby jack cheese on triscuits, a perfectly ripe large plum
- l) half a delicious cauliflower crust pizza from Blaze w\ spinach, red onions, mozzarella, Kalamata olives and pepperoni. Oh and a spicy red sauce that left my mouth warm and happy, and to finish a crisp, sweet apple.
- d) veggie chili w\ pinto beans and soyrizo sausage
The veggies for the chili are on the stove where they will simmer for a while. Onions, green peppers, a jalapeno (seeded) and a large can of crushed tomatoes with a bay leaf, oregano, cumin and chili powder are all in the pot making friends. I'll mix up the soyrizo and beans separately so I can measure and weigh out lunches for next week knowing each container is exactly the right portion. I'll add cheese or olives for my fat depending on my mood.
Tomorrow I'll roast up a batch of cherry tomatoes, carrots, sweet potato (just a little) and onion with Mrs. Dash's onion and herb blend - my favorite. I need to use up the lentils in the freezer so they will be dinners next week. And yes, another goal next week is to limit the animal protein. I ate way too much last week and will blame that on how grumpy and tired I have been.
Breakfast next week will depend on the weather. If it warms up I will be making blueberry & spinach smoothies with almond milk and flax for the protein. If it's still chilly I'll make a pot of steel cut oats, and split my protein to include flax meal. I've got to get rid of these blues!
It's been cold all day, and I now know more about ancient China and mining gold than I probably need. But it's nice to take a day to do nothing and just cuddle up and stay warm.
I think I had better head to the kitchen and do a better job of washing my hands; I can feel the jalapeno starting to burn.
The rain that was forecast for this afternoon has arrived. I wish the chili was ready.
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