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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

BLE: A little paint and a sliver or two

It felt good this morning to get dressed, make my bed, and have a Bright breakfast. Two days of mostly plants and my attitude is showing the effects. This will be my third Bright day in a row after three Bright nights, and the calm continues.

This morning we painted, played go-fish, and then picked A up from School where she is going two mornings a week as they transition the kids back from remote learning. After lunch we went out to water, and even though he had his crocks on at some point he picked up a cluster of slivers from the tan bark. The tan bark I bough on purpose because it's used in play yards.  A million tears and several attempts by his Mom to extract them he is partially treated and laying in my bed exhausted from the ordeal. While he is sleeping I will put some baking soda paste on his foot and hopefully all will be well when he wakes up.

Today's painting is drying in the dining room, but once dry it will join these others on my closet door.

The very top and top left are mine, the bottom left is his, and the two on the right are collaborations. Meaning he paints until he is done, and then I scoop up the left over paint off the palette and throw it on the paper. Waste not want not is too firmly engrained into my psyche to do anything else if there is an abundance of white left on the paper and paint that cannot go back into the tube.

Today's Food
b)  barley, pinto beans, salsa, hot sauce, cream cheese & an orange
l)  veggie chili, apple
d)  chopped salad w\ bleu cheese crumbles, red wine vinegar, & roasted pecans

Cal is already asleep, worn out from a busy morning and a sliver or two.

Indecision grips me; errands, gardening, housekeeping. How I wish I could still hold a book for hours and just lie in the sun for a bit on this beautiful Spring day. But first, I have a foot to treat.

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