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Monday, April 19, 2021

BLE: Food and recovery from the vaccine

Much better today, with only a slight headache for part of it. I am still tired, but that is business as usual so I'm not counting it as residual effects of the vaccine.

It's been a Bright Day, as have the past two nights been, and I'm feeling fairly well anchored heading into a new week.

Today's Food:

  • (b)  oatmeal, pears, ricotta cheese & roasted pecans
  • (l)  chopped cabbage, celery, red onion, garbanzo beans, egg, mayo, mustard
  • (d)  Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, red potato & onion
Yes, we had another corned beef. I had picked one up on sale after St. Paddy's Day and decided this was the day. Just as delicious as before, the mustard coating prior to sprinkling on the seasonings is going to be our new standard. But the absolute best part were the carrots. The first two hours was the corned beef and two yellow onions sliced up on the bottom of the pan. I had lightly coated the bottom with avocado oil before putting the roast down, and when I opened the foil covered pan at two hours gone, the onion slices were perfectly sautéed. Oh, and I had added a little bit of apple juice and sparkling orange water to the pan for liquid. Not the inch of water the package calls for, just enough to keep the roast from scorching. Maybe half a cup of liquid? 

Adding in the chunks of carrot right on top of the sautéed onions that surrounded the roast was brilliant as it turns out; a marriage made in heaven. The red potatoes, more onion, and finally huge wedges from a large cabbage also went around the roast, filling the large pan to the top. Foil back on, cinched down tightly, and back into the oven for another hour it was hard to wait. I will note here that at some point Cal headed into the back yard so he didn't have to smell it anymore. He's four, what does he know? And I have to admit that once it was done, I ate dinner too fast, practically inhaling all of the goodness.

Now of course I want to take a nap, and instead need to get to work. I'm thankful for the time I put in early this morning, which will cut my time short tonight. But Mondays are always challenging, and at least I am happily fortified to face the onslaught of emails that await me.

I'm grateful to spend my days at home, and grateful I still have a job. Just ignore the whining, it means nothing.


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