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Saturday, December 7, 2019

No Flour, No Sugar Pumpkin Pie Custard

My pumpkin custard is in the oven, and I wanted to write down my modifications. I increased the protein, decreased the cream, and added in the whole grain cereal. Only half a serving of cereal in each portion but a modification heading in the right direction. I need to updated the recipe again after tasting this and thinking about how to add more whole grain.

I also need to count and measure the dates more closely. By the time I used the puree I had forgotten how many dates I had originally set to soak, so I am not sure if I am over or under on my fruit services. Not a good idea and contrary to Susan's Bright Line Eating concept, so I will get that part under control for next time.

Today's recipe

4 Servings
Preheat oven to 350 and put full electric kettle of water on to boil (or 2 qt saucepan)

(4-P)  4 eggs, 2oz cream cheese, 2oz pecans
(2-WG)  2oz Ezekiel cereal
(4-F)  pumpkin and dates

Combine in a large bowl or large glass measuring cup with pour spout until blended
4 beaten eggs
15oz canned pumpkin
1/2C half n half
2oz cream cheese warmed in microwave until blendable
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1C date puree or to taste
2 tsp pumpkin pie or apple spice mix or combination
Dash each extra ground ginger, cinnamon, freshly grated nutmeg, ground cloves

Butter four oven safe containers that hold at least 2 cups ea.
Divide pumpkin mixture evenly into containers - I used glazed ceramic soup bowls; this is more easily done if mixture was prepared in the large measuring cup with spout.

Combine in small glass bowl and microwave 30 seconds
2oz pecans
2tsp butter

Stir pecan mixture, then add 2oz cereal and cinnamon to taste. Stir till combined.

Top bowls of pumpkin with pecan/cereal mix. Place bowls in 9x12 deep baking dish. Place in oven, pour in hot water at least half way up side of bowls.

Bake until done, about 1 hour.

Now the hard part - Waiting!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  tick tock, tick tock - - - - -
Breakfast was good; not as scrumptious as the first batch though. I think next time I will go back to the original recipe and just have my whole grains at lunch or dinner the days I have it.

(b)  pumpkin custard
(l)  leftover chili, triscuits, large honeycrisp apple
(d)  last serving of the roast, peppers and onions plus roasted carrots and 4oz red potatoe

Dinner was filling, I shouldn't have added both the potatoes and carrots, but it was an early dinner and I was really hungry from a light lunch. I knew my portion of chili was less than a full serving but was too lazy to adjust.

I never posted yesterday's food. It was almost a good Bright Line day, but I did snack on some zero sugar jerky on the way home from work and sat shelling salted roasted peanuts instead of eating a salad. Not too many, a couple of handfuls of shelled peanuts doesn't amount to much.

(b) triscuits, cream cheese & banana
(l)  roast, peppers & onions, forgot to eat my fruit
(d)  left over chili, triscuits, peanuts. 

All in all I have wanted to eat more this week, but with a couple of small exceptions like the jerky and potatoes I haven't been. Maybe it's the cold weather and rain, it may be that holiday emotions are driving me, I'm not sure. I have a feeling I am craving starches and grains as the 'ok' foods when other temptations are hounding me. Like those damn coconut cookies sitting in the dining room and the crescent rolls I can smell cooking in the kitchen. NOT MY FOOD.

But I am doing well overall, and wondering if I will brave the scale tomorrow. To be fair, I should go get it tonight so I can weigh in my pajamas with the scale in the same place. But I don't want to bring it back into the house; I've finally stopped thinking about it daily and moving it may mess up the calibration anyway. Maybe I'll just sneak out to the garage in my pjs and weigh out there. Then the next time I weigh the scale will be in the same place for an accurate measurement compared to tomorrow. I think I need to weigh at least every two weeks to be sure I am not straying too far from plan, and still making progress. Mostly I think I fluctuate between losing and maintaining depending on if I have an additional serving of whole grains or fruit, or not. 

The reality is if I don't see a loss I will be devastated, and this is not a good time to rock the boat. Holidays are hard for everyone in one way or another - we all have a story - but I am more afraid to not weigh and not stay accountable for what I am eating. Jerky and potatoes are not flour or sugar, but they are higher in calories and I shouldn't be eating them right now. I have broken my Bright Line against snacking more than once in the last two months; it is the most challenging of my boundaries.

Tonight I will do some more decorating; the paper Christmas tree forest is going up slowly on the walls, and I have a few things to sort out in my room.

Idle hands are the devils playground. An apt quotation for anyone losing weight.

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