These are the words that I remember from the book today. My adventure story had ended so I clicked onto my audible Bright Line Eating book and this was Susan's take on hunger. It's just a feeling in your tummy, not an emergency. Not a reason to panic and stuff food in your face. I do have some memories of hypoglycemia and the sweats and panic that would follow that funny feeling in my tummy so I am very aware of it.
But I know now when I am hungry it's just that. There's no sugar to spike and crash, there's no panic to justify a spoonful of peanut butter or a couple of graham crackers with cheese. Instead I think about how it feels, drink something, and know that the feeling and urge to eat are temporary.
Susan reminds us that of course we are going to feel hungry, some of us more than others, or less, it's all very personal. But really it's just a sign that your body needs more energy, and if you don't eat off plan it will have to burn fat for that energy. So that feeling in your tummy? I'ts really a good thing, and I am going to make that a positive association. Hunger pangs equal fat burning. It's all good.
I can talk a good game ;) But really, that is my goal. Every time I feel hungry, I'm going to immediately think "yay, time to burn some more fat!" Pretty soon I should be smiling when I feel hungry. That is the plan.
(b) pumpkin custard
(l) lentils, roasted veggies, forgot to eat my banana
(d) turkey meatballs in spaghetti soup ( so delicious), 6oz cooked mixed veggies w/ butter
Produce is Produce. This is a saver on cold damp evenings and I don't want a cold salad. Or maybe it's busy in the kitchen and I don't want to intrude. Or maybe I'm just lazy. In any case, I'm comfortable with this change up, even if I've committed to a salad the night before. It doesn't feel wrong, so it works for me.
There were mini-bundt cakes in the kitchen at work today, so I brought my dirty dishes home to wash. See, learning. Here at home they are having taco tuesday for dinner, and while tempting to share when invited to do so, I am happy to note I could honestly say, 'No thank you, I'm full from dinner." And now I'm hanging out here until leftovers are put away so I am not tempted to snack.
So everyday things are getting a little better, a little less stressed, a little easier. I am thinking that eating pie on Thanksgiving set me back more than I thought it would. Even though I thought I was back on track, I wasn't really sticking to the plan as I had the first month. And it makes me re-think making any exceptions at Christmas.
Will a sugar cookie, or a piece of marzipan chocolate, really be worth it? I read the Bright Line Eating Holiday survival kit today, and I'm thinking it's probably really important to stick to the plan for more reasons than are obvious. I remember writing that I could lose weight this holiday season instead of gaining, and today I want that to be true.
I think that sticking to my Bright Lines for the next month is important. And achievable. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
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