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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Broken Lines and A New Year's Resolution

Yesterday was gone in a flash. Home from work, dinner, then watching C while the family went to see the new Star Wars movie. They loved the movie and C and I had a grand old time. Except for the meltdown when I denied him a 2nd piece of chocolate, it was smooth sailing. He was still up and playing when they arrived home about 11pm.

Unfortunately I discovered that I cannot be trusted alone in the house with Christmas cookies. I ate two of them.

(b) oatmeal, blueberries, yogurt
(l) spaghetti soup w/ sausage, banana
(d) roast on Ezekiel toast, half a twice baked potatoe (NMF and WTF)
(d) 2 cookies

(b)  oatmeal, strawberries, yogurt
(l)  spaghetti soup, pear
(s)  Christmas cookie, triscuits with pub cheese
(d)  pepperoni & cheese over roasted peppers, onions & tomatoes; raw snap peas
       (I split my veggies, adding 5 oz roasted tomatoes to my dinner and having 3oz snap peas.

Am I spiraling? Three cookies in two days and adding in the crackers and cheese to lunch? I feel more sad and disappointed than devastated. But I see why SBT is doing a Rezooming series right now - I'll bet I'm not alone in losing a battle during the holidays. I tried to post in the facebook group today, but lost the page before I could save my comment and took it as the universe confirming my reluctance. I am not much on facebook and it doesn't make sense to fit something in that makes me uncomfortable. I need to figure out another way to build support.

That sounds like a good New Year's Resolution - finding support for Bright Line Eating.

The kids are off to a Christmas party so I am here with A & C for the evening. Love these children; they are life and love and laughter and tears and everything about life that is real and precious. They remind me daily of what is important, and why I need to improve my health and mobility. Focus on the positive, focus on healing the brain, focus on being here for them.

And life calls - time to go be Grama.


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