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Thursday, November 12, 2020

A Soft Grey Thermal

Earlier this week I pulled out a tub of clothes from the bottom of my closet and washed everything that looked like it may fit me this winter. Today I am wearing a soft grey thermal that is so cozy, and while it's an XXL, it's sized from back in the day when that didn't mean the size of a house. And it just fits; comfy, no pulling, no tugging, no sucking in my gut. This is pretty exciting, and while there were other tops that don't quite fit yet, it's good to know I'm still on the right path and won't have to buy any clothes this winter. Well, maybe a pair of jeans, but I need to check in the garage first to see if I saved any of those that might fit.

I was tired today, partly from the cold, partly from waking to a nightmare about 3am and watching tv until feeling tired about 5am. I don't have those kinds of nights too often anymore, and I stayed true to my decision to keep off the coffee this morning. Despite dragging my ass around all day I'm glad I didn't cave to temptation this morning. I will say that I barely fulfilled my daytime duties; getting the dishes done and playing with C was about it.

Food was good today, a nice warm yam pudding for breakfast, left over mashed potatoes and black bean burgers for lunch, and the meatballs and veggies I cooked yesterday were a nice change for diner but I did miss my dinner salad. I had decided to split veggies this week and have 10oz at lunch and 10oz at dinner. It was nice having the larger lunch serving, but not chewing up a big bowl of raw veggies at dinner has left me a bit hungry this evening. Luckily hunger is no longer the enemy it once was. I don't panic anymore, I just heat up a cuppa tea and ignore it. I'm so grateful to know I am eating enough, and not too much.

Tonight's a little rough because yesterday the family brought back a caramel apple pie from their trek up to apple country, and it's just sitting there on the stove. It's been sitting there All Day. At some point I just upended a wooden salad bowl over it so that it was at least out of sight. Tonight M is cooking two more pies that he is taking into work with him in the morning. I will have to make some apple cinnamon oatmeal, that should silence the bit of mental chatter those pies are causing.

I've been listening to a lot of Susan's vlogs this week on topics like surrendering, not making exceptions during the holidays, and remembering how great it will feel to stay Bright. And I do remember how wonderful it felt last year to be losing weight instead of gaining the seasonal five or ten pounds. So that is the plan, just do it again but better. At this point I have no plans to indulge as I did last year. We are talking about having appetizers for lunch and Bright Line dinners at the holidays. I think we are making ornaments instead of cookies for the neighbors this year, and are already planning out decorations for the house. Focusing on joy instead of food, how awesome is that.

Brrrr, time to get up and move. Heat up my tea, and see if the family is watching anything interesting. Sometimes I feel like I'll go mad if I hear the music from The Office one more time. But each to his own mental therapy right now.

I'm hoping for an adventure movie.

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