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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Regaining a little sanity, and food prep

I've been switching back and forth between the valium of Hallmark Christmas Movies and the anxiety of election results on the news. After hearing Biden speak to America I felt much of the tension and worry leave my brain and body, and now it's just a waiting game on the final counts. It sounds like he will be our next president, and it feels right. It feels like he is the right man for the job of speaking to and for all Americans.  Of addressing the needs of those who have felt so overlooked that they found the antics of Trump preferable. At least that is how it seems to me, and how I have decided to think about it so I don't go nuts. 

Normally I don't watch the news, I haven't since Joey was killed, not wanting to invite the violence into my life. If something important was going on family would let me know, and while it's a cop-out to drop-out like that, I'm pretty sure it's what I did as part of an overall coping mechanism. And I've noticed the difference watching the news has made in my life since election day; mood swings, hunger pains, irrational thoughts. Not good. Not at all.

And while I can't imagine not watching for at least another day while the election is sorted out, I am looking forward to being delightfully uninformed once again. I know this is a character defect, and that I should be more connected to what's going on in the world around me, but my survival instincts are to hide away, and cast a small shadow.

Today's food was fine, as was yesterday's. Our imperfect produce order was delivered today, and I think I have everything I need for batch cooking tomorrow.

Dinners:  R picked me up a pork loin to roast with veggies, and I'll cook up some lentils to split my proteins when packing up those meals. I have some of the new plant based Italian sausages that I cooked to go with the stewed veggies left over from earlier in the week - I am not impressed, I would rather just cook beans and go heavy on the fennel and sage. 

Fruit: I am really loving the crop of Sugar Bee apples for one of my fruits each day, and the green grapes have also been yummy. We have persimmons, oranges and grapefruit to choose from too, and of course there are always berries in the freezer and bananas on the counter.

Breakfasts: The ceramic bowls I use for cooking yam pudding will all be clean in the morning, and I am soaking dates tonight so I can cook a batch to have three or four ready.  There is still some pre-cooked oatmeal left over in the fridge, and there is always cheese & triscuits for the taking.

Lunches: Tomorrow I will hard boil some eggs to go with the bleu cheese crumbles I have in the fridge to make chopped salads for some of my lunches. The rest of the time I'll just eat whatever I'm not having for dinner that day. Lunch and dinner are the same for protein and cooked veggies, so I always have at least two different kinds of meals prepped so I am eating something different for lunch and dinner.

Salads: Eventually I will get around to chopping up a batch of carrots, cauliflower & peppers so they are ready to add to my greens.

I think that covers my food for the next few days. I'm really looking forward to the bleu cheese, and on days I have salad for lunch I weigh out my salad to 8oz and then have either 12oz of cooked veg with dinner or just a regular meal and a 6oz salad. All very easy to switch up depending on my mood. 

God I'm tired all of a sudden, and so glad I have a warm and cozy bed waiting for me. Peace Out

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