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Monday, March 8, 2021

BLE: Sweet Potato for breakfast this time

Today I baked three servings of what I usually call Yam Pudding, but I made some changes so I think I need to start coming up with different names for the different variations. In this version I swapped out the milk for cottage cheese, and incorporated fruit. The ingredients below are for three breakfast servings; 1 protein, 1 grain, and 1 fruit.

  • 12 oz cooked yams
  • 6 oz cottage cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 18 oz fruit (1 small apple, large banana, red grapes to balance of portion)
  • apple pie spice, extra ground ginger
  • splash of vanilla
I turned the oven on to preheat for 350, and filled the kettle with water to boil.

Then I weighed out the fruit (skins yes, seeds no) and gave it five minutes in the microwave to soften before blending it together into a fragrant, sweet smelling mash.  While it cooled, I hand mixed together the remaining ingredients until uniform, then stirred in the cooled fruit.

I know by now to first weigh the dishes I will use to cook the pudding so that the portions are even. For me and these dishes, it meant that one of the three portions should weigh 1.5 ounces heavier than the other two. If you're eating all three portions over the course of the week it doesn't really matter. But wanting each portion to be as close as possible to exactly a Bright Line meal in case my daughter wanted one, I took the time to pre-weigh the dishes before dividing the pudding  mix between the three ceramic dishes.

The dishes went into a baking dish, and once the oven was hot and the water boiling, I placed the pan in the oven and filled it with the hot water to cover the dishes half way.  Setting the timer for 45 minutes, I went to play with Cal.

I won't know how this is until tomorrow morning. I woke up today thinking of subbing in cream cheese for a 'cheese cake' feel, but we don't get a fat at breakfast so used the cottage cheese instead. My twice baked potatoes use cottage cheese in them, so I figure a starch is a starch and expect the pudding to be light and flavourful.

Oh, and speaking of fat, I did use a dab of butter in each dish to thoroughly coat the sides and bottom to prevent sticking, so a very little bit of fat.

Speaking of food, dinner tonight was left over Mississippi pot roast with sautéed onions and broccolini. I was short a couple of ounces so sat and munched raw carrot after dinner just to make sure I ate all 14 oz of veggies with my dinner.

Time for some sweet and spicy tea as I head to work for the evening. 

UPDATE:  The cottage cheese added a tartness to the dish that was unexpected. While still a good breakfast, I will not do this again - the second day it was too tart for me. I will go back to the original recipe of using a nut milk for the protein.

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