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Saturday, March 13, 2021

BLE: Groceries and plans for a Bright week

And I'm back with a Bright night in my pocket.

Early this morning as I maneuvered my way through the other shoppers filling their carts with groceries, a light came on, and I realized I was glad to be filling my cart with lots of veggies, grains, and beans. It made me realize how gloomy I have been this past week, and how sneaky depression is, it's approach so gradual and quiet that it goes unnoticed until one looks up and notices the dark storm clouds that have gathered.

G reminded me in group this morning that food is medicine, and that she always gets a boost when upping her raw veggie intake. Which is what I've been doing the past two days, and probably why the light came back on.  The truisms abound today; we are what we eat, we are responsible for keeping our own light on, eat with the intention of being visible. This is one of the shining examples of why group is so valuable, we can remind each other of the important tools and knowledge we now share to overcome our food addiction.

I am always happy when I can sit down and list off accomplishments; there are beans soaking on the stove, and the microwave just beeped to let me know the rice is done. I will be making Spanish rice later today, and refried beans tomorrow. I splurged this morning and picked up some frozen veggies to use during the week, and have grapes, onions, and Brussels sprouts to roast this afternoon. And I found some small packages of quick cooking grains to incorporate into breakfast, and will spend some time this week planning on how to use them. For sure I will use the Farro with green chilies, egg and cheese.

There is another package of Soyrizo in the back up fridge, and will end up in a breakfast recipe with another of the grains.

I'll be baking meatballs today. While I am leaning into a more plant based diet, I have been missing what used to be a staple. I'll still split the protein with beans, seeds, or nuts so that they last longer, and I won't feel so guilty about eating the animal protein. That whole thought is wrong in so many ways. I understand the guilt, and I understand it is wrong that I am planning on eating anything that makes me feel bad. But you know...addict! Or should I say, recovering addict!

I'm hoping to find some 'chocolate sprinkles' cherry tomatoes today so we can get them in the ground. And I'll be setting up a pallet in the back yard for the peas to climb - the little plants are already looking very happy in their pots. I also planted some purple kale, hot and cold red peppers, and a zucchini. Oh, and sage for the patio - the best defense against the flies that are tempted to congregate on the patio in the summer.

There are flowers in pots out front, and I can see the branches swollen with buds on the tree outside my window.  It may be a chilly day, but the signs of Spring are everywhere, and my heart is filled with hope this morning thinking about the day and week to come.

Today's Food (because it's not what I planned last night):
(b) cheese on Ezekiel raisin toast, roasted pecans, banana & berries
(l)  black bean burgers, corn, apple
(d) meatballs & roasted veggies, salad with pepitas

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