I felt good today. I even wore earrings for my morning meeting, aware of the need to make a good impression for a new client. The meeting was a success, and things went well at the office for the rest of the day. Hopefully that continues into tomorrow, and I can leave for my short trip with a clear conscious.
While I'm not looking forward to sitting for so long in the car, I am looking forward to driving and listening to a book; just being alone and quiet for a bit. I'm also looking forward to visiting family and spending the weekend cooking Bright Line meals to share with my Mother - my Mother who is anxious for home cooked meatloaf and Oh, looking forward to seeing me too. I had to laugh, I do come by my food addiction honestly. I'll make a batch of my mini meatloaf balls so it's easy for her to freeze and pull one out to slice up for a sandwich when she has the yen.
I may go grocery shopping locally tomorrow, it's so much easier in a familiar store, then pack it all in a cooler to take with me Friday morning. It's only two meals each of breakfast. lunch & dinner. Not much. And that way we can spend more time visiting. My Sister and I are to start labeling heirlooms and such. Mom told me years ago she would live until 90, and that's only two years from now. I really can't think about it, and how fast that time will fly by.
(b) Frittata, triscuits, banana
(s) Fresh pineapple
(l) Steak, roasted veggies
(d) Sausage, rice veggie casserole, avocado
I overheard the family talking about how Girl Scout Cookies will show up tomorrow night. I have felt many times in my life that those cookies were the bane of my dieting. Like so many others I would intend to start dieting in January, finally get around to it in February or so, only to be derailed by boxes of cookies. I so loved opening a sleeve of the Trefoils and curling up with a good book. The memory is so vivid I know I must have done that every year for the past 30 years or so. Not this year, this year I am saying NO to the cookies.
And while it's easy to say that today I have no interest in eating cookies, I am not looking forward to having them in the house tomorrow. Not at all. I am truly hoping that I can admit it would be nice to have one, or some, then ignore them. But cookies and me, we go way back, and they make me nervous. Being at Mom's won't be any better; she keeps canisters of cookies in her cupboard at all times. Good cookies. The triple ginger snaps from Trader Joe's, and the little crisp chocolate chip cookies they carry. I do not need cookies, and I am planning on keeping my Bright Lines intact for the whole time I am there. Sigh, just the fact that I have good intentions makes me feel like I am going to hell - you know, the road paved and all that.
Lord give me the strength. And a cuppa tea. And a lay down.
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