It was a struggle driving home today, I wanted so much to get a cheese burger and fries. Insane.
(b) Triscuits, cheese, banana
(l) Italian meatball soup, orange
(d) Roast chicken, mixed veggies, salad with lots of cucumber
Everyone is sick in the house except me. I am praying I don't get sick and have to cancel my trip south. I can hardly take a chance on giving my mother a cold or the flu. So I'm trying to keep my distance, but it's a small house.
I'm sitting here in a daze, not even remembering why I decided to write. Distracted by the light shinning on C's head, so recently covered in fine blond hairs, my thoughts are a million miles away. They are worrying about A's constant cough, and thinking I should get in the kitchen to clean up as no one else is feeling well enough for the chore.
I can always return should the fancy take me later.
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