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Monday, February 17, 2020

It's all good

Today I did a few chores, cooked some breakfast grains, and spent my tax return on new appliances. We were due for a new washer & dryer, they were each broken in some small way, and then the microwave decided to die. Being president's Day, I was made to feel as though I had saved money when purchasing the new machines, but we all know that little marketing technique. I am just glad to get it taken care of before we are suddenly without them and have to pay full price to replace them when it's not a 'sale' day.

(b)  Frittata, triscuits, banana
(l)   Sausage, rice casserole, apple
(s)  Triscuits, quacamole
(d)  Steak, roasted veg, green salad

We received five 'baby' avocados in our produce box last week, and they were perfectly ripe today. I smashed one up with garlic powder and salt and scooped it up with triscuits for an afternoon snack. I'm not sure why today was more difficult that yesterday, except maybe yesterday I was determined to be okay and today I was caught off guard.

One of the Bright Line Eating modules I have listened to recently speaks to the foods that 'light us up' and that it's best to pay attention to how a food makes us feel. I am worried that I look forward to triscuits way too much. I am way too happy to have them and they are conducive to snacking as evidenced by my broken line today. It will be good to eat grains for breakfast this week and have a break from them. Except Friday; Friday I'll be having them for lunch on the drive to LA. Easy driving food with cheese and grapes for lunch and a baggie of raw veggies.

I think I have all my food prepped through Thursday, and just need a quick tip to the store for fruit. Today has been exhausting; spending money always is for me. But bills were paid, laundry finished, and the kids installed the new microwave. So I guess it's all good. No. Wait. C's numbers were up, so yes, it is all good today.

It really is.

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