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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Quality Conrol

I was checking emails at lunch today, attempting to clear out my personal email, and discovered that since taking the initial Bright Line Eating susceptibility test I've been getting regular emails from Susan. Lots of nice little reminders about why I am doing this, why I am banishing sugar, flour and snacking from my life. And one of the messages was about a two minute trick to losing weight. It was about deciding the night before what the food for the next day was to be, and committing to it.

I suddenly realized that during this last bought of dental unrest I had forgotten about my journal. About how important it is to plan for the next day, and stick to the plan. And I haven't made any gratitude entries either; my poor little beautiful journal has been untouched since ... day 9. Which must have been Monday. It's so easy to let things go, to forget how all the pieces fit together to make a plan that works. In my line of work we have a quality statement that applies here; say what you're going to do, do it, and report on what you did. That is basically what I had been doing. Writing in my  paper journal each night what I would eat the next day, then reporting here what I actually ate. I need to get back into the swing of things!

This is why support is so important, so we remember the details, and why I am joining the BLE facebook page. I saw a notice about 'Cooking with the Thompsons'  - Susan's family - and I thought it would be fun to take a peak.

Today for breakfast I had my prepared cooked grains, heated up with blueberries and topped with Greek yogurt. Such a big delicious meal.  Lunch was left over lentil soup; I'm not suppose to chew on my temporary filling so skipped my salad for the 2nd day in a row. Dinner was breakfast! I cooked my second pack of pre-chopped country potatoes and had sausages for my protein. Veggies? 6 oz of asparagus tips all chewed on the right side of my mouth. And a banana. lol, at least there was no sugar or flour! I need to have my bridge done so I can eat salads again.

I'm feeling much better now that my tooth infection is quickly receding. Funny how the face can affect your  mood so drastically; whether it's a bad tooth, a cold sore, the proverbial pimple on the nose - it's all just devastating. I wonder why.

Time to call it a day. Hope yours was a good one.

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