I had an email from a colleague this morning after a brief phone call, inquiring if anything was wrong. That I sounded tired. I didn't really feel more tired than usual, and let her know everything was fine. I mentioned Bright Line Eating and that I was on day four without flour or sugar. She is a blessing in my life, and didn't pry or judge; she just asked me to let her know how it went.
I dream of a month going by and fitting into my size 18s that are packed away in tubs and boxes; I would love for my follow up with her to be about that. To be about how amazing it feels to see progress. And it feels possible, it feels almost inevitable, and having had that thought I begin to worry that I may be a little delusional. I finished the book and decided to listen to it a 2nd time; to hear again the science and ground my expectations. And it all makes so much sense, the vicious circle of glucose, insulin,and Leptin resistance. We've heard it all before, but I've never heard it explained in a way that involved the brain and outlined how it's all interconnected. And our brains on a sugar high; food addiction as strong as or stronger than cocaine & heroin. No wonder we can't do this, the millions who struggle. Or was it billions.
I will never again shame or blame myself for being weak willed. Instead I believe I am working towards healing my brain and that I am not one bit delusional.
I finished my lentil/turkey soup for dinner this evening as planned, and it's time to browse the kitchen for my Thursday meals. I want to make bean soup this weekend, but for the next two nights I think maybe something to use up the green and yellow squash, onions & corn, peppers. I know, spaghetti squash soup. I have a bottle of sugar free marinara in the garage, and I can pick up some clean frozen meatballs at lunch tomorrow. I'll throw it all in the Instapot after work and be eating by 6pm. Lunch will be salad again, but blue cheese instead of cilantro dressing, and for breakfast...hmmm....I think I'll make some potatoes O'Brian tonight and have them with sausage. Yes, that sounds delicious. And there are still grapes, peaches, oranges and apples to choose from for each meal.
It's so easy to get busy at work and forget to drink enough water; we often remind each other in the office but today zoomed by so quickly. So I'm off to make herbal tea and cook potatoes; I'll go ahead and prepackage a few breakfasts when I'm done.
It does feel good to know I will start out tomorrow prepared.
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