I think I have lost my second roll! Think back fat - ew gross - and the rolls that accumulate as one gains weight. I had reclaimed my two back rolls over the past couple of years - again, ew gross - and just now checking out how this top fits I was looking into my 'rearview' mirror in the bathroom and realized my back looks sleek. I can see my hourglass figure unimpeded by road bumps - my back is smooth and curvy again! There may be a small swell hidden by my clothes, but I'm not stripping to check this close to leaving for work; I would rather type. Another positive sign that the 'Shape' is working wonders on my form.
I wasn't able to mark off the 'Move' part of my new CBS chart yesterday - but I did get through April done while working on my taxes; it feels good to have made progress! Hopefully I will finish those up by next week and get everything to the tax guy to audit (yes I filed an extension.) I've always done my own taxes, but with the separation from H and our joint business I didn't want there to be any question of impropriety (not that he would) or loose ends. I would like to close the books with a clear conscious.
Given that I should work on another couple of months tonight I will try to walk at lunch today. I should be able to do that - I am my only obstacle, there is a team member on vacation and there will be extra day-to-day processing to cover. But there are three of us to make sure everything gets done and I should be able to sneak off for half an hour to stretch my legs.
Time to go pack my lunch - a green smoothie with spinach & blueberries added to my Shape shake; yum - and some fresh veggies to snack on for the drive home. I'll stop in at the store by work - hey I'll walk! - and pick up some Pink Lady apples for the week, love them! R picked up berries to take with me for breakfast in the car, and I just need to fill up my two 20oz water bottles and I'm done. Easy Peasy.
Another Monday, another day to make healthy choices, another day closer to wearing smaller jeans over the holidays. Let's do this thing!
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