I don't often eat cereal for breakfast, but my SO keeps it in the house so I indulge sometimes. When I do, I want to make sure I don't over do it, so I use the scale to measure; it's easy and more accurate than measuring a cup. Kashi is the cereal I can count on for not using HFCS, or having a list of chemical names I don't recognize. They are usually high in fiber and use whole grains, so a better choice than most cereals out there. I have found some good ones in the organic section, but as soon as I see organic I usually see a higher price so I tend to stay away from there.

The scale again, this time to measure nuts into my salad dressing. Today is 1tsp. each of LS soy sauce, white Miso, and Tahini, a couple shakes of ground ginger, 2tsp. water and 3tsp. rice vinegar and 1/2oz walnuts. This makes an easy yummy dressing. It's two servings of healthy fat though, so for tonight's salad dressing I will either use flax meal or make a fruit vinaigrette. Always in mind of time management, I waited to chop the veggies until the dressing was blending. Lots of cilantro in the salad today, it goes well with the dressing.

Then after I've poured in the dressing, I rinse the bullet cup with a little water and dump that in too. 12 years in the restaurant business taught me 'Waste Not Want Not!" Plus it makes it easier to toss the dressing in.
I also added 1/2C
brown rice to the salad today, I try to switch between rice and beans so I don't get tired of eating the same thing. Plus, now I have rice to freeze into portions. I will use some with the left over steamed veggies from our Chinese food last night, and use some in the soup I will make this weekend.
Tonight I'll make the Brussels Sprouts I intended to cook last night before we took the kids to dinner. My daughter is super pregnant and thought some spicy food might speed things along. If she is still pregnant next Thursday they will make an appt. to induce. Just thinking about it sends me to my balance spray ... I will not stress!!
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