I can't help but be sad today. I keep thinking of Joey, and how he was the one who made time to help me around the house. It was the haphazard help so typical of young adolescents, but I was careful to ask when I knew he would have the time, and he never begrudged my asking. He cut the wood that's in the wood pile outside, and I need to burn some this winter - this shouldn't be so hard. Saving wood he touch is just ridiculous, but there you have it; proof he was here. The good part is that he was here, that I can think of him as I lay the fire, ready to light on Thanksgiving. He was here, and I can remember him ladling gravy over his plate and shoveling mashed potatoes into his face; how he loved holiday food. He was here, and it was such a precious gift to love him and take care of him the best I could until it was time for him to leave. I keep hearing that I need to be grateful for the pain that comes into my life, to learn from it, and grow. Some days that just isn't possible.
Maybe Saturday....
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