Yesterday was busy. C was up early before the rest of the family and we hung out together until R was up. Then it was time for me to get ready for my weekly master mind group. Shortly thereafter I drove in to the office to work for a few hours, getting home just in time to make my usual early dinner. I didn't realize I hadn't journaled until this morning signing on, just as I didn't realize I hadn't used my nightly checkoff list until recording my weight this morning. Not so good, this forgetting of so many things that need to become automatic! Ah well, it will come.
I was on the road yesterday when I remembered I hadn't brought my lunch, and stopping at In-N-Out for a burger seemed the best/easiest solution. For a minute it was agony sitting in the lunch line of cars to place my order, but I remembered to just breath and let it go. I wasn't in a hurry, it was okay. I took my double double protein style burger with two extra tomatoes and fresh onion back to my office and took the time to eat before starting to work. A good decision since it was so messy, and I was glad I had opted out of getting fries and staying bright once I was finished and full.
Food prep today will be large trays of butternut squash, onions, and carrots roasted with a little oil and lots of seasonings. I may cook a batch of beans but I'm thinking canned will do this week just to rotate out the ones in our backup supplies cabinet in the garage. I also need to chop a large bin of veggies to have ready for salad; I've been making my salads from scratch the last couple of days and miss the convenience.
But speaking of salads, I'm wondering if it's time to try cutting back on cheese again. Gorgonzola in my salads at night has been wonderful, but I am waking up with my hands more stiff and swollen than is comfortable. Cheese has been my comfort food as long as I can remember; it's on all my favorite foods, or rather, what were all my favorite foods. And I do like to think that at some point I can make macaroni & cheese using pasta made from lentils, but is that the best sort of thing to be thinking? I guess it helps with the whole day to day thing, "I can do this today, and when I get to maintenance I can try the lentil pasta to make mac n cheese, or lasagna, or spaghetti." The dreams of my indulger? Maybe. But in the meantime I think I will cut back on cheese and swap in seeds for a week and see how my hands feel.
Okay, time to get going. C needs watching, their are decorations to put away, and I need to do some more office work this afternoon. All of that and the food prep. Looks like it will be another busy day!
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