Today's food. Hmmmm. Maybe I should be posting the night before what the food will be the next day instead of recording what I ate on the current day. I tried in the beginning to journal what I would eat the next day (as we are supposed to do) but it never stuck, never became a habit. Maybe I can make it a habit here if I can indeed start writing again everyday. I'll try, but in the meantime here is what I ate today.
B: Yam Pudding, green grapes
L: 8oz salad, 3oz garbanzo beans, 1oz parmesan cheese, oil & vinegar dressing.
D: 4oz Spicy Black Bean Burger, 12oz roasted veggies (acorn squash, onion, potato)
In BLE a vegetable is a vegetable, and as with today if I have had a salad at lunch I often will just double up on my cooked veggies at dinner. I did that today and I am currently stuffed. But not in a heavy lethargic sort of way, more of just a feeling of fullness in my stomach that I am aware of but isn't distressing me.
I had to go into the office today, and on the way I picked up sparkling water, bananas, and a few things for the office. We have a new girl starting Monday so I arranged pretty white coffee cups on each desk with a couple of the small sunflowers they sell at the grocery store, a green beady sort of plant to compliment them, and placed a small pumpkin by each cup of plants just so it will feel sort of festive when they arrive in the morning. I was only there a couple of hours or so, but it broke up my day off and I haven't really accomplished much here at home today.
My honey-do list that was ignored: clean gutters, finish eucalyptus bark project, trim back tomato plants, figure out what to do in the last section of the back yard that hasn't been finished. Currently it's a fire pit surrounded by chairs with large sheets of cardboard underneath that we laid down last winter to cover over the mud. So pretty! But I just can't decide on the type of ground cover, or rocks, or pathway. And I don't want to go browsing at the store given the current state of Covid-19. So maybe that last chore will once again wait for the Spring. The rest I can tackle while Cal naps during the week as the weather will be cooling off from the high to low 80's. My kind of weather. It doesn't even feel like an Indian Summer, it just feels like a longer Summer and I am afraid we will not have much of a Fall this year. Yes, they are nothing like other parts of the world, but we do have seasons in California!
Tomorrow's food looks very similar to todays menu, but part of my goal is to keep things simple this week, While I'm thinking about routines and goas for the week, I need to set an alarm for this evening to remember to write in my gratitude journal. A recurring alarm, for maybe 8:30 each night. That sounds about right.
B: Yam Pudding, green grapes & banana
L: 8oz salad, 3oz garbanzo beans, 1oz parmesan cheese, oil & vinegar dressing.
D: 4oz Spicy Black Bean Burger, 12oz roasted veggies (green peppers, tomatoes, onions, carrots)
I hear adventure music in the living room! It's a girls night here at the house with M out to Church, so I am off to join in the fun.
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