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Monday, January 27, 2020

Thoughts are Things

I have decided that when I have grumblies in my tummy, to quote Pooh I think, it means that my body is working away at using up stored fat instead of glucose. I was using this as a positive affirmation on the drive home today. If my stomach is grumbling then it's a good thing, and each time I feel this I am losing weight. Those are my thoughts, and I will practice envisioning them as  manifesting as truth. I needed a positive spin on this daily phenomena to quiet my saboteur. A roadblock to any whim that might arise on the way home of stopping for dinner; to forestall an inner battle about what I can rationalize into an acceptable choice. Because really there aren't many, and I would rather stay away from the fast food.

It was a typical Monday; the non-stop, work through lunch and stay late kind of busy. And another new client, bless my Boss's heart. He thinks we are magic, we just make it all look so easy I guess. I really need to pass on some of my workload, and soon.

(b)  Hot grain cereal, banana & tart cherry, pecans
(l)   Lasagna with veggies & sausage, apple
(d)  Sirloin, cauliflower & Onions, green salad

C just came to visit, put in his request for bubble guppies and a blanket, and is now all cozied up with me on the bed. He is probably exhausted. First he rounded out his belly with spaghetti, then played a combo of chase\hide & seek with his sister; watching him eat and then the two of them play together is a favorite past time for the rest of us.  Now he is ready to crash for a bit, and we noticed tonight that ii's nice to see his cheeks rounding out after how thin he had become. I'm guessing that the feelings he is developing now with A will create a very close bond when they are older. After they get past the ruckus that will undoubtedly come when she is driving and he needs to be driven - about 9 and 17 and she wants to hang out with friends and he needs to get to some kind of team practice and the adults are all working.

Time to listen to some of my boot camp module for the week. It's always good hearing Susan's voice, and there is always a gem in there somewhere no matter how much I think I know at this point about Bright Line Eating.

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