229 - I stepped on the scale this morning for the first time in quite a while, and was pleasantly surprised that I was still under 230. With all of my bad choices of late, well, I'm just glad.
I will take my ibuprofen regularly today, something I have been avoiding, so I can get a lot done. I want it to be pretty around here for tomorrow; a small salute to the holiday and new beginnings. I think that in some important way, Easter is the spiritual start of the new year from my mostly Pagan point of view.
A and I spent the morning catching up on The Pirate Fairy, while I had my breakfast and coffee in bed. Now, it's time to get busy; Saturday chores, here I come!
Laundry done, and with the help of A and a bottle of lemon oil the table and buffet are gleaming in the dining room, my yellow roses a bright spot like the sun in the middle of it all, and the kitchen counter cleaned and decluttered so the dining room looks bigger. This evening I'll rotate the dishes and clean up my dinner mess. I wonder if I would ever do chores were it not for my audio book distracting me from the mundane duties. In between was a game of Clue (A's first win ever!) and some more tv. While the day was sunny in the morning, the afternoon gradually darkened to grey as the wind took on a brisk icy edge. A was VERY upset with me that I declined her invitation to a bike ride. My Bad.
The Music Man is taping, I've had a ginger beer to relax, and the day is winding down. 80% chance of rain tomorrow, so R says; I'll try to get some kindling cut with the limb saver in the morning. Wait, maybe in deference to my neighbors and the holiday I should put that off and just gather up what we have to start a fire for tomorrow afternoon. I hate being rude.
Better get some extra water in, I'm feeling the salt from the chips.
breakfast: toasted ciabatta, lettuce, deviled egg sandwich, decaf
lunch: snacks; a deviled egg, a rib, a mandarin, a kiwi, a Barqs root beer (sugar and caffeine)
Early Dinner: Nachos (organic cheese and sr cream, my beans with salsa, black olives, green onions and a little guacamole. Yum.
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