I don't want to write my intentions, for fear they will not materialize. I want to flow through the day letting my actions guide me without thought or mental battles; I would like a day without crazy.
9:38 am
Juicing done, enough for the weekend I think.

4 cucumbers 2 sm oranges
3 lg carrots 1 lg lemon
1 med red beet 3 small kiwis
2" sliced ginger 1 can coconut water
A little bit too much fruit, but better in me than wasted in the recycling bin? Maybe. But it's delicious, and I feel the need to 'cleanse' after yesterday, and the past week. The glass bottles we save come in very handy for mornings like this, and I will probably drink three today and two tomorrow. Not that it matters, just getting in all the nutrients, that is what matters. I will make a bean soup at some point this weekend, after cleaning out the fridge. I know I have spinach to use up, and a butternut squash. I do love having left overs to have for lunches all week.
Laundry in, audio book in ear, time to rest my back then get on with the weekend chores. Oh, and taxes, that. Ugh, maybe later this evening in lieu of snacking after dark. Maybe.
2:03 pm
Us girls ran to the tea shoppe and Walmart this afternoon, and now I am puttering with more laundry and some solitaire while they watch a good movie. I am tired and just want to lay down and watch another taped show. Maybe I will. I am guessing I will have more energy tomorrow. Or hoping I will, something like that.
5:46 pm
R baked up some delicious home made brownies, and while still baking the smell drove me down to pick up a pint of vanilla ice cream. I also chopped and pan toasted some pecans finishing them with brown sugar. Chewey and the perfect foil for the warm brownies. Yum. A fun treat on a rainy day.
9:43 pm
Long afternoon of TV, and mostly laying around. But I do feel rested now, and calm. I have new nighttime tea freshly brewed, and the relief that comes from the day being over. Sad that, but sleep has always been my friend, my escape at the end of the day.
Breakfast: fresh juice
Lunch: potato, sauteed mushrooms, sour cream
Snack: banana, peanut butter (organic, just peanuts and salt)
Dinner: tossed salad, blue cheese vinaigrette
Dessert: home made brownie, B&J vanilla ice cream, toasted pecans w\ brown sugar
Late bite: one wing stop chicken nugget
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