Yesterday we drove down to Lowes and returned home with a Nobel Fir tied to the top of my car. A little furniture rearranging with an end table and doll house ending stacked up in the garage, a spot of vacuuming and a corner was emptied so we could fill it with the lovely fragrance of pine. For me Christmas trees have very little to do with the presents that may or may not appear under them; I relate to the more time honoured tradition of bringing in something green and fresh into the winter den to remind us of the spring we hope is just around the corner and to cover up the stale air of a house barricaded against the seasonal cold. More cold than usual I might add - keeping in tune with the new global weather adjustment even sunny California has tightened her skirts against the below freezing nights and the crisp days that hover in the 40's.
Several trips to the garage and back, unpacking just a few things from each tub so as to leave room for the decorations of my housemates, it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.
Yesterday, we also made turkey stock and I used my portion to whip up some vegetable soup this morning, now packed into containers for lunches next week I am assured of a healthy choice even when tired. This may be the last turkey I ever eat. I have been sliding into old flesh eating habits of late just because it is often easier, but I am done. Eating plants is an important part of fighting for myself, and since I have apparently decided to do that my eating habits must follow suit.
Today's agenda, bring Christmas to my room now that we have welcomed it into the front of the house. 'A' has been painting water colour trees and we will put them with the rest of the collection on the walls today. Oh the wonders that paper and tape can bring.
My brunch is a smoothie of baby power greens, almond milk, flax meal, blueberries and a scoop of Orenda Shape. Very delicious. I drank water and tea this morning, got busy making my soup, and waited to eat until I actually felt hungry. An exercise in connecting mind to body.
Struggling a little with vertigo so slow and steady is the pace today, but I will accomplish much. Already the stove top has been scrubbed and the second load of laundry is in. Chores ground me, help me to feel solid in this crazy world, and I always feel better afterwards.
I love a clean nest.