How Google, this Grama, and her Granddaughter connected a new power cord to a dryer.
Since when are dryers sold without the power cord? News to us as we went shopping for a new dryer today. Once we had purchased the power cord, flexible vent and of course the dryer itself, we headed home without it. It would be days before we could schedule a free delivery and we wanted to use it tonight. R went back with the Durango and they loaded it up. When I went outside to see, it was already out of the truck and in the driveway - she is superwoman.
Thank heavens H had not moved his tools yet or I would have been at the neighbors borrowing a nut wrench. I must have read the directions that came with the power cord a half a dozen times before thinking of google. Two different times I looked up videos to help me out but I finally figured out what the strain relief was and how to mount it. But the main point of what drew me to the keyboard was the need to brag about my granddaughter telling me that her new favorite job is getting me the screwdriver. I felt like my dad for a moment standing in the driveway, realizing the tool I needed next was inside, and I asked my little help helper to go grab it for me. She did so with alacrity just as I would have at her age and just those few saved steps were such a relief as hard as it is for me to get around lately.
Moving is hell on old people if I haven't stressed that enough yet.
Bottom line, hopefully I did it right and no one will be electrocuted for the sake of dry bedding tonight.
We are really on a roll today. Earlier we picked up some 'beading' elastic and R was able to reattach the arms to my old Betsy McCall doll ; I love how A can sit and play quietly, changing Betsy into and out of one outfit after another. I have some nice memories of playing with this same doll, trying on the same clothes made by my Mother. (I'll have to call and tell her.)
Oh, and I have bean soup bubbling away in the crockpot, and R has butternut squash cut up into fry sized pieces for dinner. ...We so rocked this day. And yes, the dryer is hooked up and the first batch of laundry is DRY.
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