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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

RBRZ: Pierce Perfectionism

 In Reboot Rezoom there will be 66 daily videos. Because that is how long it takes to create a new habit. Today's video was about releasing the need to be perfect. And it makes sense, if we don't expect to be perfect then when we aren't it's just back to business as usual instead of a great crash and burn. 

It's one of the good tools, or attitudes, that I have adopted on this BLE journey; to rebound quickly without beating up on myself. The first day of January I was up in the middle of the night finishing the last piece of pie. It had been tormenting me all day, the white bakery box sitting on the stove, knowing there was no one else who wanted it but me. There was no fight, I didn't even try to reason with the part of me who was getting the pie, I had just known all day that if the pie was still there I was going to eat it. Not a decision or definite thought or plan, just a deep seeded knowing that this was how the day could end; me with pie in my face. Literally.

The next day was barely better, my evening "4th meal" being a PB sandwich on sprouted whole grain bread. So no flour or sugar, but I was still sad. One minute I was lying in bed feeling grateful for the lightness of my stomach and that I would have healing time during the night. Dinner had been at 4pm and I wouldn't break my fast until the next morning at 8am. But no, I had to get out of bed and make myself a snack about 10pm when I couldn't sleep or get comfortable because of the pain in my hip and leg. 

I'm feeling stronger today mentally. Had a small bowl of potato chips before dinner, but I think I will be fine tonight. I have a book to listen to, and a MMG to meet with in just a few minutes. And my daughter is on a mission; between decluttering around the house and making good food choices she is currently a force of nature I will gladly orbit around.

Off to my meeting. Good night to a good day.

Monday, January 2, 2023

RBRZ: It's just a Picture

 I grew up around pictures, with access to albums of photos taken by my grandfather, and lived next door to him where there was a photography studio on the 3rd floor of his house. My grandmother's house too, not just his, but he was the one who was all about photography. I think 30 years of pictures for House Beautiful, now showcased at the Huntington Library in LA, has always been a source of pride for me. And I remember being a young child, happy to be in front of his camera, happy to be spending time with him and feeling important because of his attention.

So why the life long aversion to being in pictures? When did it start? There are a couple of things that come to mind. An unflattering (to my eyes) photo of myself in an Ad that showed what a tomboy I was. No where was the feminine creature I thought girls should be. I must have been about 11, and I think I remember the photoshoot, and being happy, and the let down when I saw the picture. Back then digital wasn't even on the horizon, and I didn't see the results until he brought a pamphlet home with the picture. Me standing on a beautiful lush round lawn of green, looking for all the world like a dorky preteen. Even now remembering back, it's hard to find love for that young girl.

And then it occurs to me to look at this again, through the eyes of a child who has been molested, and is trying to look unappealing. Was I old enough at 11 to have put up a defense of appearance? It must have been around the same time; the memory of dancing naked on the bed and someone, my mother?, opening the bedroom door and telling us to put our clothes on. And then the separating of bedrooms, my brother next door and us girls rooming together. Of course the door between the rooms was a beautiful wood sliding door with no lock, so that must have been effective. (sarcasm?)  Anyway, most of my memories of molestation are from Summers at the lake.

Summers at the lake, I lived for them, and along with the bad stuff, there was so much good that maybe I just became really good at burying the bad. Because to lose one would be to lose the other?  Swimming, skiing, volleyball, and most of all the sailing, these were my joys. Lying in the sun, listening to the clink of the chains that moored the dock to the beach, these are the memories that give me comfort, this is one of the places I can go to meditate, the wind whispering to me from the tall tops of the pine trees. I could cry for missing these things.

But somewhere in there I began hiding from the camera. I remember standing in front of the tall mirror on the back of the bathroom door and admiring my form, my tan lines, my flat stomach. And then a memory of being back in the city, and standing on my mother's scale, and being appalled that I was 135 pounds. Hindsight being what it is I know that I was trim and athletic, full of lean muscle from always being outdoors, but at the time my perspective was not clear nor compassionate. How many of us looked a Twiggy and knew we would never be...good enough?

But I keep straying from where I wanted to go this morning, why the aversion to pictures? Because our first instructions in the BLE Reboot Rezoom include taking a picture of where we are when starting the class. And my rebel was in front and center asking why. And sort of nudging her aside is the part of me that wants to do this right, that wants to follow the coach whom I admire and respect. So even if it's kicking and screaming I am going to do it. Well, I am going to try, because the rebel may be winning this one. But I want to know why, I want to know the part of me who hates, yes hates, being in front of the camera.

Because I don't yet love myself? Because I am continually disappointed? Because I don't want a record of my failures, real or perceived?

It's going to be a long fucking day.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

BLE: Reboot Rezoom (RBRZ)

 It's such a bright day after raining cats and dogs yesterday, the sun a shining testimonial to the hopes many of us have for the new year. No resolutions, no goals, just day to day practicing the pause between thoughts and actions. I am not what I think, I am what I eat, and I will eat bright.

Started the morning with Cal, making first his breakfast and then mine, and then watching Dance Monsters cuddled on the cough together. Truly an act of love watching that with him, lol. 

Sorry to see the last of the ham go, ham on toast is a wonderful breakfast, but eager to move on to 'healthier' choices.

Just signed on to join the reboot rezoom facebook page for Bright Line Eating. While I don't feel the old manic feeling, I do feel hopeful that I will follow through this time. Just for today. I think that is the power I need to embrace, that like any addict I just need to do this one day at a time.

So happy new year. I'm embracing the calm and hopefulness that I feel in the day's energy; I love it when you can ride a global emotional tide.

Time to do some stretching, get dressed, and then maybe do some colouring.