First came the sleeping in and then came the traveling. When I woke for the second time this morning after the obligatory Sunday sleep in the girls were playing Monopoly Jr. Turns out this is a wonderful first board game for Miss A. After paying rent on her Burger joint, Museum, Zoo(?) and a couple of other properties I was flat broke and she had won the game. Very fun.
This morning I juiced, putting through the kale leaves first so we had some natural green colour for the Royal Icing that is going on the sugar cookies we are baking today. I hope it works, and if it does I will come back and post a picture later. It was fun listening to R & A prepare the cookie dough and it is now resting in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Juice Breakfast: kale stems, cucumber, bok choy, lemon, ginger, green apple, red beet and a cut of coconut water to wash the beet juice through - don't want to miss a drop! I also made a carafe of ginger water, and after pouring a cup added some freshly squeezed lemon. No, I did not add sugar or honey, I was good and really want the anti-inflammatory affects; my left hand was complaining all day yesterday and I need to FIX THIS now.
Yesterday was productive, getting all the presents wrapped that I had stashed away, but not a very good day food wise. After our home made breakfast sandwiches I had a large chopped salad for lunch followed by a graham cracker topped with a thin slice of cheddar and preceded by a deviled egg. A large potato was for dinner and I admit there was butter and sour cream involved. But not too much! In between there was some Zebra Popcorn (a measured cup) and afterwards about half a large pomegranate which I opened like this. I couldn't find the link to the young man sitting by the side of the road whose video went crazy on facebook but the method is the same. I love how easy it is without losing juice, and I can sit cross legged with a bowl and a knife while watching tv.
Today there will be more cleaning up - I absotively have to wake up Christmas morning to a clean house - and more baking and decorating and feeling Christmassy.
Between the beginning and end of this post I googled the time of the Winter Solstice today (3pm), when the coldest days of the year are historically for our region (12/21 - 12/31) and put in a DVD for the munchkin to watch. I also looked up Absotively (Urban Dictionary, not Websters) and posted it to a friends time line as we use the word at work.
Back to Work!
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