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Monday, January 30, 2012

Short Walks

Beginning in May when I started doing time 8/5 at a desk I also started taking short walks during my generous half hour lunch break. I'm sure I make quite the character striding along while eating out of my little plastic container, ear buds in and walking shoes on. Today I walked faster and went farther than my usual route, feeling the impending doom of spring and the lack of an appropriate wardrobe that will fit.

I figure I have two months to bust out some results in order to avoid greeting a spring that is more blue than green.  I have high hopes for the coming warm season; stripping the garage, putting in a garden, painting the bedroom door. And for the energy level I need I figure I need to shed some excess baggage.

Each day I do a little better; eat a little less and move a little more. Eventually I will tip the balance and start on the downward side of this spiral that has taken me by storm. I just need to keep trying, and I will get there.  I will. After all, I have done it before many times. Good Grief.

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